TrekboxX Lift Hinge Upgrade

All new systems come with the new lift hinge design. For a retrofit for your existing system, scroll down!

Upgrade to the new lift hinge design!

We’ve wanted to add lift hinges to our work surface for a while, but couldn’t find any commercially available hinges that weren’t, well- junk! So we designed and made our own. All new systems will come with this feature, but don’t worry if you already own a Trekboxx system. Here is a retrofit kit for you! This allows you to open the work surface while keeping it horizontal. Super handy if you need something from the drawer and don’t want to clear off the top. Also, you can use it in the up position if you need a higher work surface or constant drawer access for utensils, etc.

Kit comes with everything you need - set of stainless steel hinges, new (and larger) Richlite surface, hardware, mounting template, and instructions.

Lift Hinge Retrofit Kit